… is responsible for press work, media relations and PR strategies for our clients. Before she started her role at TCMG in 2025, Marketing Communications was already her passion for the last 15 years. Petra is an accomplished marketing communications professional with extensive experience in the media and tourism industries which is reflected in her successful work for prominent destinations such as New York State and Barbados.
While and after her Media as well as English/American Cultural Studies (M.A.), she worked at the marketing department of Fraunhofer IIS plus PR agencies for movies and tourism and ultimately got stuck with heart and soul in the field of PR and Marketing.
Traveling connects: she loves authentic travel experiences, whether it`s exploring nature, connecting with the people or experiencing the local fashion trend. As an outdoor enthusiast, she enjoys exploring the beauty of nature on her stand-up paddleboard, mountainbike, or while hiking. Western Australia combines everything – stunning natural landscapes, vibrant local culture and with Perth the benefits of a metropolitan city.